B&B Nursing

Below is a sample of the B&B Nursing courses we provide, we are constantly adding new courses, training for larger groups can be booked separately

Aldatus Healthcare & Safety Training is a proud partner of B&B Nursing this enables us to offer FETAC Level 5 training in Nursing Studies and Healthcare Support for Healthcare Assistants, full details on both of these Certificate courses can be obtained and discussed by contacting us at info@bandbnursing.ie.ie.

In addition to quality training services B&B Nursing also provide  provide high quality, efficient and personalised home care services.

With over thirty years of experience, B&B Nursing has acquired comprehensive professional expertise in providing services to the community and individual in their own homes and residential homes.  These services are designed specifically to promote individuality and person centred care.

  • Registered Nurses
  • Certified Care Assistants
  • Social Workers
  • Physiotherapists
  • Speech Therapists
If you are interested in any of our Training Services please contact Aldatus Healthcare and Safety Training or call Donogh on +353 86 606 7051